HR Analytics
With the increasing demand towards Digital Transformation & Artificial Intelligence, there is a bigger need for Human Resources to be...

Human Resources Management 101
Human Resource Management (HRM), is the practice of managing people to achieve better performance. It’s about optimizing company’s...

Importance of MBWA and Skip Level Meetings
The primary purpose of the skip-level meeting within an organization is to determine the organization's effectiveness, by getting an...

Place & Train Initiative
Muse Asia in collaboration with HRDF is enabling employers to participate in the Place & Train Initiative. Employers who are hiring, can...

Are people really an asset?
One of the highest operating cost in any company is staff payroll. So in reality, people are a liability and not an asset! We do need to...

Engage your staff before it's too late.
For most businesses, focus continues to be on business sustainability and to regain losses suffered caused by the pandemic. Employee...

In recent months, there has been an extensive amount of discussions on Business impact and losses suffered in lieu of the Covid19...

Customers - Are they Really No 1?
In commerce, customer experience (CX) is the product of an interaction between an organization & a customer over the duration of their...

In this challenging times (CMCO), it's critical for Managers to know how best to manage their staff & maintain a positive relationship...

Microsoft Office Online Training
Microsoft Office application are used in most office tasks, regardless of industry & position. Unfortunately many new users still...