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Team Development for High Performance

At every stage of change, be it a crisis, environmental or work restructuring, team members will experience motivational impact. Some may express them & some don't.

It is key for organizations to understand this and re-engineer their teams based on their levels of maturity and development. This is clearly articulated in the famous Tuckman's Team Development Model.

1. Forming Stage

2. Storming Stage

3. Norming Stage

4. Performing Stage

As people managers, we have to learn to apply different leadership styles in each team levels and this calls for application of Situational Leadership. Meaning;

1. Be Directive when new teams are being formed

2. Apply Coaching techniques when teams are storming

3. Be supportive when teams are norming, and

4. Delegate when teams are performing

This cycle is repeated everytime a change happens. The recent crisis and MCO require new norms. It's a clear case of change management. There would definitely be an impact on the engagement and motivation levels of our employees. Define these impact and practice the different levels of leadership.

To learn more about Situational Leadership and Team Development via remote learning, contact us at:


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