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Have you heard of the 21 Day Habit Theory?

Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon discovered that it requires a minimum of about 21 days for an old mental image to dissolve and a new one to jell.

Here are 5 key steps to re-engineer yourself in preparation to getting back to work post MCO.

1. Reflect on what are some of the things that are meaningful to you during this MCO that can be made into a permanent habit. Example: Spending quality time with your family

2. Don't compromise your new good habit for anything or anyone. Example: If you need to exercise an hour a day, find time to continue doing it whether it's work day or an off day.

3. Create an Affirmation - At every end of the day, visualise and remind yourself how you will be doing things tomorrow and the following days to come.

4. Stay persistent - make your new behaviour a conscious habit by simply being persistent. Example: Washing of hands regularly and keeping a social distance in crowded places, or even wearing a mask when you’re unwell.

5. Reward yourself - best way to keep a behaviour permanent is to reward yourself for up keeping your good habits.

Be a champion at work and at home.


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