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What is Industrial Relations in Malaysia?

Industrial Relations is a complex interaction among three major elements of work: 1. Employer 2. Workers and their representatives (Unions) 3. The Government

Each of these three players has different needs and goals that determine how they interplay with the other two parties.

1. In general, employers focus on labor costs, productivity & profitability. They also look at the work conditions, wages, benefits & fulfil a safe work environment for their workers. 2. The employees on the contrary, perform their duties, deliver their obligations & ensure they protect their company including trade secrets & products. 3.The government’s role is as the society’s representative in which employers & unions look to for balancing the rights of both labor & employer in maintaining industrial harmony between them as a tripartite.

As an organisation, industrial relations practitioner, it's important to understand each of the three goals and be able to provide sound and meaningful advise to the companies so they can ensure a balance between profitability and social responsibility.

To learn more about Industrial Relations Training and Consultancy, email your inquiries to: #FiringUpPeopleâ„¢ #TrainingProvider #RemoteLearning #IR


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